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Curating a data-driven CTV program

The Job

Tasked with developing a statewide CTV/OTT program to mirror ongoing digital campaigns and complement TV buys, AdVictory combined ID work, polling data and media consumption analyses of existing target universes to model 387,000 persuadable cord cutters and 1,210,000 persuadable cord shavers.

Efficiency Is Key

First, our team ran media consumption analyses of the three target universe identified by the campaign as either base and persuadable voters. We then segmented these core target universes into four regions by priority, layering additional coverage in DMAs with light TV buys.

Better informed by insights into TV viewing habits, AdVictory was able to hand-pick connected TV and over-the-top inventory across highly-indexed networks preferred by our target universes.

Target Universe Media Consumption Habits

Above and Beyond

In addition to content-targeted CTV/OTT buys, AdVictory simultaneously reached Cord Cutters via device targeting on programmatic exchanges, with a direct match level of granular delivery traditionally inaccessible to publisher direct CTV/OTT inventory.

The Results

In 2 months, AdVictory helped the Rauner campaign reach 1.85 million unique Cord Cutters and Cord Shavers with over 30 million impressions across inventory traditionally un-touched by campaigns. In a majority of forced-view settings, cost per view averaged $0.03 – $0.05.

Other Case Studies

How Sequential Digital Messaging Can Boost Candidate Name ID

Syncing Polling Data With Digital To Develop A Cross-Channel Voter Contact Program

Identifying Key Voters Using Audience Modeling
190 Monroe Ave., Suite 300
Grand Rapids MI, 49503

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